Completed Projects
Energy Efficiency Related Projects:
Energy Efficiency Engagement Model: Developed a strategy to engage multifamily and commercial business owners for energy efficiency retrofitting and demand response programs for the Southern Maryland Energy Cooperative. The program included energy efficiency education through case studies.
Industrial Auditing Center: Developed an industrial energy efficiency certificate program for undergraduate students towards an ISO50001 certificate. The program includes fundamental energy auditing, professional development, and a mechanical/machines (pumps, steamers, motors, boilers, and HVAC systems) analysis component. The program also included a field component of a minimum of 2 full audits.
Energy Innovation Center: Developed a model to reduce commercialization barriers for energy relate technologies to spur economic development and employment. The model consists of a 7 step process that includes a technology screening process, funding analysis/procurement process, and a risk mitigation demonstration/implementation component.
Baltimore Public School System Energy Efficiency Retrofitting: Developed a STEM energy student training program to provide student service learning credit for students that participate in the energy audit analysis for their school. The training includes building energy modeling, efficient lighting design, and benchmarking. In addition, the model includes a funding model independent of the BCPS budget and partnering with community stakeholders. Supported by Morgan State University
Howard University Energy Efficiency Retrofit: Provided energy audit and analysis for two engineering buildings. Retrofit included day lighting, T12-T8 replacements, and mechanical upgrades. The retrofit provided an upfront return of approximately $40,000 (cash and technology) and a potential cost savings of $80,000 over a ten year period.
MD State Low Income Energy Efficiency Initiative: Built a team to pursue a state wide energy efficiency contract for low income housing in the State of Maryland. The team included an energy efficiency training company and 15 weatherization /mechanical companies.
Renewable Energy Projects:
Design/Project Analysis: Performed feasibility and design for a 250KW Solar Energy Farm.
Hybrid Design: Provided review for feasibility and design for 300KW Solar and 300KW Wind renewable energy system. Also assessed bid cost and provided support for final bid submission.
Offshore Wind: Projects for MD Offshore wind initiative included: 1) Converter technology assessment which included converter design and simulations using PSPICE and Simulink tools. Supported by Morgan State/MHEC/Maryland Energy Administration, and 2) Energy capacity transmission impact on Mid-Atlantic region that entailed load flow studies using PSSE.
Hydropower Project: Performed feasibility and cost analysis for a 1,000 kW Mini Hydropower Pilot Project for the Mein River located in Suakoko District, Liberia. The project included a diversion weir, bank protection works, intake structure, approach canal, settling basin, fore bay, penstock, power house, 3 - 335 kW Francis turbines and generator sets, and tailrace canal.
Solar Community Project: Performed feasibility and cost analysis for a Community Solar Electricity Pilot Project located in Gbarnway, Liberia. The project consisted of 147 kWh solar PV systems to power 175 households, a school and a clinic.
Community Biomass Project: Performed feasibility and cost analysis for the construction, test and commissioning of 60 kW Kwendin Community Biomass Electricity Pilot Project for the Kwendin Village in Yarwein Mehnsonnoh District, Liberia. The project included a power house, biomass material storage centers, 3 x 20 kW Gasifiers and a generator set, a distribution line, and meters.
Micro-Grid Project: Provided feasibility, power flow analysis, and design support for a 5MW micro-grid composed of Solar PV, EV charging, CHP systems, and battery backup systems. The project was designed to support a shopping mall to provide grid resiliency to a 30 mile radius.
Technology Development Projects:
Efficient solar PV system: Designed, simulated and built a prototype cooling system for novel modular solar PV system. The system incorporated a fined heat pipe design that incorporates a radiant heating system.
Hybrid Inverter-: Design and simulated a modular hybrid inverter for wind and solar integration. The design consists of a flexible architecture using DSP and PEBB.
Smart Grid/Demand Response System: Developed 1KW battery storage prototype unit for backup power and demand response applications. System was composed of lithium ion batteries, COTS inverters/chargers, and controlled programmable logic controllers (PLC) and Labview.
Hydro-Kinetic system- Designed and modeled a novel 250KW hydro-kinetic system based on a RVCR engine for ocean power generation. In addition, performed cost analysis study and developed strategy for system implementation off coast of Maryland.
LED Street Lamp- Design, simulated, built, and tested a LED street lamp comparable to cobra head street lamps. Lamp consumes 240W with security surveillance camera (60% less than the 400W cobra system) with a 50,000 Hr lamp lifetime, 3000-3500 color, and 94% efficiency.